New on Hardcore Victim with Distribution by Havoc is the "Unnamed Terrorist Group" 7" by Unknown to god. This Australian band plays fierce hardcore in the Japanese style, some of you might remember them from their split with Death Cage.
There is clear vinyl for mail order while it lasts. Like most of the Hardcore Victim releases, the majority of the copies are going to Japan and Australia, but we do have copies for wholesale for American and European distros.
Also finally in stock on vinyl is the all time classic 1983 Lp from the Partisans, in my mind the best of the UK82 second wave of punk. Plus the new Distortion Hell ep from Dropend for the Japanese D beat maniacs, Miasmal LP for the Swedish Death Metal bangers and Stigmathe second ep re issue for early 80's Italian heads. Also a lot of random restocks and stuff I found doing inventory that wasn't in the webstore.