Latest Updates

Update Nov 22

If you have had trouble paying with a credit card lately, we have some problems with our software. It's all up and running now and we can take credit card payments as usual.

Update Nov 16

I added the new issue of Negative Insight to the webstore. If you love 82 UK punk, this is a must have. Great coverage of the early Bristol scene and a 7" of Chaos UK out takes as well. 



Update Nov 11

Updated the website with Varukers "Bloodsuckers" 12" and some other tasty rippers. A lot of people have been asking about Negative Insight zine, which comes with a bonus 7" of Chaos UK out takes. These will go on the site November 16th. 

Also a big shipment is on the way from Svart Records with Terveet Kadet, Vaurio and lots of other classic Finnish hardcore punk new releases and restocks. 



Update Oct 31st

Halloween 2014 update. Sorry, no horror rock, doom metal or misfits records.. The Skaven discography is back in stock and we have copies for wholesale, a lot of people missed out on this the first time round and were asking for more. Also discographies from Eu's Arse and Underage, classic raw 80's Italian hardcore. And I finally got some Stoic Violence LPs. 

Update October 2d

Things have been pretty slow around here, not a lot of new releases coming out, but we do have a solid update for you this time around. A big parcel from Halvfabrikat Records arrived, with the latest in Swedish crust/hc and restocks of the Link/Absolutist LP and Distress LP. Unrest Records has re issued the Accused "Martha Splatterhead" and "Return of Martha Splatterhead" with the original cover art, there's some good stuff from Loud Punk Records, 80's UK punk from External Menace and Self Abuse plus a new 7" from Neutron Rats.

Update Sept 8

Long time since the last update, things have been slow here and I took a vacation to Europe for a while. Just added the newest pressing of the Citizens Arrest discography double LP and the second pressing of the Who Killed Spikey Jacket? 7" to the webstore. Broken Bones singles LP is at the test pressing stage.


Update July 30

Havoc Records will be moving on Friday. We will ship orders on Thursday and start packing up. We wont have phone or internet service or be set up in our new location until Monday or Tuesday of next week. You can still place an order, it just probably will not ship until the middle of next week.
